5 Attractive Machine Learning Projects For Resume (2022)

5 Attractive Machine Learning Projects For Resume (2022)
“Machine learning is something every developer at every company needs to know about, right now." - Kevin Scott, CTO, Microsoft.
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Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and Data Science are the hottest fields in technology right now. From healthcare and agriculture to manufacturing, energy, and retail, many companies across industries are leveraging these technologies to get ahead.

Machine learning is popular because there is an abundance of data to learn from today and luckily computation is abundant and cheap today.
Machine learning is the study of making decisions under uncertainty: given a training dataset, how should I act when I see something new - and trust me this technology is the new black.
But it is truly intimidating to explore these domains, especially if you are a newbie. The reason being, there is no foolproof roadmap to master AI or be a skilled Data Scientist, the skills and tools needed are dynamic.

Don’t miss!

Roadmap to become a backend or full-stack developer:

How to become a Backend Developer: A ’do’able plan
Backend developers must know a programming language like Java, Python, etc. Identify the language of your choice & get started with this actionable guide.
Become a Full Stack Developer - The Complete Roadmap
How to become a full stack developer - top full stack developer skills. Discover the best way to learn full stack development. Get started today!

Demands of every company for their Machine Learning problems are different, and it is your duty as an AI/ML engineer or Data Scientist to quickly adapt and deliver them a solution. For this, you need to have rock-solid experience in using Machine Learning technologies and Data Science tools.
Now what is the best way to master new skills? Follow tutorials? Umm yes, but only for a while. To master the skills, you need to implement projects on your own.

Crio Projects Hub offers you some of the latest and trendiest Machine Learning projects that you can implement all by yourself!

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So, if you are in search of the most in-demand and most-exciting career domains, gearing yourself up with Machine Learning skills together with Crio Projects Hub is a kickass move now.

Save for later: List of 20+ projects in Python, Machine Learning, Java, more

Top 5 Machine Learning Projects

1. Visualizing and forecasting stocks using Dash

Machine Learning projects - stock visualizer

You must have seen various stock charts in movies and tv shows. The traders at the Stock Exchange or Wall Street actively study, analyze, and keep track of the stock prices of various companies’ shares. These charts make it easier for traders to visualize the behavior of the stocks and also predict trends accordingly. But what if you could take these numbers one step ahead and predict the future stock price for a specific date?

In this project, you will be creating a single-page web application using Dash (a Python framework) and some Machine Learning models which will show company information (logo, registered name, and description), and some stock plots based on the stock code given by the user. Also, the ML model will enable the user to get predicted stock prices for the date inputted by the user. Wrapping it, you will be deploying your app using Heroku.
Exciting stuff? Isn’t it. Become the next wolf of wall street using this amazing tool ;)

Download interesting mini projects to get hands-on with Python programming, Data visualization, Selenium, APIs, and more

Skills to hone

By the end of the project, apart from learning to write clean modular code using Python, you will also learn some major skills and tools such as:
- Dash - Dash by Plotly is extremely efficient in building data visualization apps with a highly customized user interface (interactive web apps) without having to learn Javascript or frontend web development. It is an ideal tool for Python web developers.
- Data Visualization - Data visualization careers tend to come with high salaries. Often, these specialists can work from home, and they also benefit from opportunities available across many different industries. In general, employers look for data visualization professionals who regularly increase their skills and knowledge in the field.
This Python-based Machine Learning project will help you kick-start your career in Data Science, specifically data visualization.

Simple (15-hour) projects to strengthen your Machine Learning - Data Visualization skills:

Crio Projects - House Price Prediction
Crio Projects - Weather Forecasting App
Crio Projects - Exploratory Analysis of Geolocational Data

Also, this is an amazing project for web development using Python technologies.

This project is also a good exposure to Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence enthusiasts as this project briefly explores one of the sub-domains of AI, namely predictions using Machine Learning models.
Learning relevant skills of this project will be additional support and a star point when you collaborate with a different tech stack to build similar visualization models, especially in the markets domain. Mastering a higher level of these skills will yield a very promising career in the field of Artificial intelligence or Data Science.
So go ahead upgrade your portfolio with this amazing project up your sleeve!

Blog Bonus: Learn how to showcase your project work in your resume - Download Now

Who should try this

Prerequisite knowledge required
Basic knowledge of Python concepts, basic HTML, and CSS will be required to execute this project. All additional skills can be learned through the course of implementing this project.

An easy project to strengthen your Python, HTML, CSS skills:

Crio Projects - Instagram Automation Tool

Difficulty level to expect
Of all the Machine Learning projects for beginners, this is a must-try for Python web developers.
It is also a good project for intermediate developers and a refresher project for Python (web) development professionals.
Time needed
25-30 hours is the maximum expected time needed to complete this project.

Check out the complete project

2. Machine Learning Preprocessing CLI

Machine Learning projects - Machine Learning preprocessing CLI

Before applying Machine Learning on any dataset, you need to convert it in such a way that the algorithms can understand the dataset. These steps are preprocessing steps.
Data preprocessing is an integral step in Machine Learning as the quality of data and the useful information that can be derived from it directly affects the ability of your model to learn.
Data is said to be unclean if it is missing attributes, attribute values, contains noise, or outliers, and duplicate or wrong data.
Therefore, it is imperative that you preprocess your data before feeding it into your model. But data preprocessing is often considered time-consuming and tedious by many Machine Learning developers.
And this project changes that for all developers.
In this project, you will be building a simple CLI tool that will save time by performing the data preprocessing in a faster, and convenient manner.

Beginner level project to sharpen your basics in Data Visualization & Data Preprocessing:

Crio Projects - House Price Prediction

Skills to hone

By the end of the project, you would have conquered the following concepts:

OOPS - Python, like others, is an object-oriented language. An object-oriented paradigm is to design the program using classes and objects. Using classes and objects while writing python scripts is very common and OOPs concepts help in this process.
Pandas - Pandas are really powerful. They provide you with a huge set of important commands and features which are used to easily analyze your data. We can use Pandas to perform various tasks like filtering your data according to certain conditions, or segmenting and segregating the data according to preference, etc. It is one of the most widely used python libraries in the AI regime today.
Exception handling - It is a very popular technique for incorporating fault tolerance into software systems. It allows developers to structure the redundant code that is added to deal with the exceptional conditions that may occur, separating it from the code responsible for the normal operating flow.

Another awesome project to develop your skills in Python programming, Pandas, and also learn Plot.ly

Crio Projects - Discord bot for stocks

This is a good learning project for all Python developers, especially those in the Machine Learning field, as they can easily relate to this tool’s importance. Not just that, it is a stellar project to boost your résumé!

Also read: Software Developer Resume Tips - The Ultimate Resume Guide

Who should try this

Prerequisite knowledge required
Basic knowledge of Python OOPs concepts will be required to execute this project. All additional skills can be learned through the course of implementing this project.
Difficulty level to expect
It is a perfect Machine Learning project for beginners. Intermediate Python developers will also walk away with valuable skills by the end of this project.
Time needed
30-35 hours is the maximum expected time needed to complete this project.

Steps to complete the project

3. Exploratory Analysis of Geolocational Data

Machine Learning projects - exploratory analysis of geolocational data

Want to experience a day in the life of a Data Scientist/Data Engineer? This project will take you through a full-fledged analysis of real-life data - from data preparation on real-life datasets, to visualizing the data and running Machine Learning algorithms, to presenting the results.

Crio Projects - Exploratory Analysis of Geolocational Data

In this project, you will fetch, clean, analyze, and run k means clustering on geolocational data to recommend the best accommodations in a city!

Skills to hone

By the end of the project, you would have a deeper understanding of analyzing real data and gained practical knowledge of the following skills:
K means clustering - K means clustering is one of the most popular clustering algorithms and usually the first thing practitioners apply when solving clustering tasks to get an idea of the structure of the dataset. The goal of k-means is to group data points into distinct non-overlapping subgroups.
Data visualization - Data visualization careers tend to come with high salaries. Often, these specialists can work from home, and they also benefit from opportunities available across many different industries. In general, employers look for data visualization professionals who regularly increase their skills and knowledge in the field.
API - It is a service for developers. Every time developers write a new program, they don't reinvent the wheel for doing some core application. Instead, they can contract out certain responsibilities by using already created APIs that do the job better.
You will be using some amazing Python libraries such as Pandas, Matplotlib, ScikitLearn, Folium, to execute the tasks involved in this project.

Not just that, you will also be using the FourSquare API; for what? Find out while doing the project ;)

Download now: 20+ mini projects explained step-by-step for beginners and advanced developers

Who should try this

Prerequisite knowledge required
A basic knowledge of Python concepts, Machine Learning models will be required to execute this project. All additional skills can be learned through the course of implementing this project.
Difficulty level to expect
This beginner Python project is perfect for those looking to sharpen skills in Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence. This project is packed with learning takeaways even for intermediate Python developers and Machine Learning professionals.
Time needed
15-20 hours is the maximum expected time needed to complete this project.

Know more about the project and start doing it for free

4. Chatbot Song Recommender System

Machine Learning projects - chatbot song recommender

Do you want to see the power of AI without doing any actual Machine Learning/Deep Learning? If yes, then you are surely going to love this project.
In this project, you will be building your own version of a chatbot (Cakechat Chatbot) that recommends songs based on the emotional analysis of the conversation.
This song recommendation feature employs the use of Last.fm API, very much similar to the popular Spotify API. Also for tone/emotion analysis of the conversation, you will use the IBM Tone Analyzer API.

Collaborating with these types of APIs adds significant value to your skills as the popular chatbots these days do much more than having a simple data-driven conversation.
Also, the reason to choose Python to build the chatbot is because Python boasts a wide array of open-source libraries for chatbots, including scikit-learn and TensorFlow. It is great for small datasets. Not to forget, Python's libraries are much more practical.

Skills to hone

By the end of the project, you would have gained solid experience of using the following:
Chatbots - Learning to build chatbots is very useful for developers. This is so because building a chatbot involves the usage of a lot of tools/skills. These range from direct usage of APIs or some cognitive services to developing your own AI models and tailoring the bot as per your needs. A more sophisticated version of chatbots can be virtual assistants like Siri, Alexa. Knowing to build such chatbots is very much desirable in the software industry today.
API - It is a service for developers. Every time developers write a new program, they don't reinvent the wheel for doing some core application. Instead, they can contract out certain responsibilities by using already created APIs that do the job better.
You will get hands-on experience with various cognitive services, amazing tools, all of which you will be combining and wrapping using Python to build this amazing song recommending chatbot.
Every company, be it airlines, health, food, etc., seeks developers who have a deep understanding of building such chatbots. This is a project that recruiters will be impressed to see in your portfolio!

Add few more interesting bots to your project experience:

Crio Projects - Two truths and a lie game slack bot
Crio Projects - Discord bot for stocks
Crio Projects - Web scraping Facebook bot

Get offline access to real-world mini projects that will stand out in your resume

Who should try this

Prerequisite knowledge required
Basic knowledge of Python concepts (knowing some libraries too will be a plus) will be required to execute this project. All additional skills can be learned through the course of implementing this project.
Difficulty level to expect
It is a perfect Python project for beginners, focusing on AI. This is a great project for intermediate Python developers and ML/AI professionals who are looking to showcase sought-after strengths with an interesting project. It is also a great pick for those who are looking for machine learning projects for a final year project.
Time needed
50 hours is the maximum expected time needed to complete this project.

Know more and Start doing

5. Companion App: A mental health tracker built using Flutter and Firebase

Machine Learning projects - mental health tracker

Mental health is an important issue in the world today. This simple Flutter app is a small step towards finding a universal solution for all.
In this project, you will build a friendly mental health tracker that helps its users get through their problems in an interesting way. With personalized tasks and timely progress checks, this companion app is a great solution for those who are suffering from mental health problems.
This app primarily being a Flutter-based app development project still has a great potential of using advanced Machine Learning models to have much more sophisticated features.
Jump right into the project to understand how Machine Learning has been leveraged here to successfully build this practical app.

Skills to hone

By the end of the project, you will not only master the art of writing clean modular code using Dart, but also gain hands-on experience with these noteworthy skills:
UI/UX - UX/UI design of the application improves the user experience and customer satisfaction that ultimately helps increase the number of users of the specific application. The UI and UX design helps to win the consumers' confidence and compels them to use your application with solutions to what they are looking for.
Flutter - Since Flutter was introduced, it has rapidly shown massive growth. Its demand is increasing exponentially in the market, and all the businesses want to hire Flutter app developers for their app development and maintenance.
Cloud Firestore - It is Firebase's fully managed cloud-native NoSQL document database that is fast and serverless. It simplifies syncing, storing, and querying data for mobile, web, as well as IoT apps. With the benefit of Google Cloud, it offers great scalability. It provides live synchronization and offline support.
Classification - It is a data mining function that assigns items in a collection to target categories or classes. The goal of classification is to accurately predict the target class for each case in the data. For example, a classification model could be used to identify loan applicants as low, medium, or high credit risks.
This project is an amazing example of app development using Flutter and also integrating Machine Learning models to make it a practical app.

Advance your app development skills (using Flutter) by building a Hyperlocal Ecommerce platform:

Crio Projects - A Hyperlocal Ecommerce platform

Who should try this

Prerequisite knowledge required
Basic knowledge of Dart (and preferably Flutter too) will be required to execute this project. All additional skills can be learned through the course of implementing this project.
Difficulty level to expect
This is a challenging project for beginners in Flutter. Intermediate developers with basic knowledge of Dart and Flutter will have fun building this app whilst learning new things about accessibility, design practices, and fine-tuning the app for the target audience. This is a great project for advanced web developers to showcase app development skills.
Time needed

60-65 hours is the maximum expected time needed to complete this project.

Check out the project steps

These ML projects have been contributed to Crio Projects Hub by Crio's budding community of developers. If you found these ideas interesting, show your love by liking this article. We would also love to know the project that got you excited the most - let us know in the comments below.

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Before you go..

Don’t miss the comprehensive list of 20+ mini projects that cover all the essential skills you need to make your resume stand out like:

  2. HTTP
  3. Selenium
  4. Spring
  5. Bot building
  6. Jackson
  7. Serialization-Deserialization
  8. Firebase
  9. Android basics
  10. Game Development

And more...

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