Crio featured in YourStory

If you want to build a big company, one of the biggest levers is talent. It plays a critical role. Smaller startups can’t attract a lot of talent.

Crio.Do focusses on experiential and applied learning, and uses work-like micro modules (or micro experiences) instead of passive video tutorials to make engineers industry-ready.  Its learning content is contextual and crafted around real-world problem-solving in tech companies. The programmes are powered by data, deep tech, and learning sciences, and are designed for fresh engineers or product developers in the early stages of their careers.

Online upskilling and reskilling are said to be more than a $2 billion opportunity in India. Further, NASSCOM estimates that over 40 percent of India’s workforce needs to be re-skilled and upgraded by 2022. Hence, Crio.Do has a vast market to tap into.

Read the full article here.