Front Runners of Crio

Front Runners of Crio
Note: This program has ended as of Sep 30, 2021.

This is by far Crio's largest referral program. Currently it is open only to a select group of developers in ongoing programs.

If you have not been invited to become a Front Runner and are still interested to take part, drop an email to

How does the referral program work?

Referring friends to Crio just got easier AND swaggier.

All you have to do is get your friends to enroll for the trial week of any one of Crio’s programs (Full stack, Backend, or Fellowship) and you can earn mad rewards!

Based on how many friends apply and start their trial week, you get:

You can collect the respective rewards as you move through each level of the referral program.

It’s easy to earn your rewards

Step 1 - Write a message or use the below message

“It’s been just a few weeks since I started learning on Crio’s platform and I’ve learned so much already. Their structured learn by doing approach works wonders to learn relevant software development skills. And their real-world projects are perfect to gain industry-like experience in just 6-9 months. Try out their free 7-day trial and experience Crio’s learn by doing approach for yourself. You’ll see what I mean. And if you wish to continue with the program, you can use my referral link and avail scholarship discount up to ₹4,000.“

Copy the unique referral link sent to your email address.

Head over to LinkedIn or your preferred message-sharing channel and start inviting your friends.

If you are sharing on LinkedIn, don’t forget to tag us in your message :)

Start inviting your friends

As soon as your friends start their trial (post application,) you will receive an email communication regarding your referral benefits.

Terms & Conditions

  1. Rewards are applicable only when your friend uses your referral link to apply.
  2. Rewards are applicable based on legitimacy of applications. Fake/junk applications will result in immediate termination from the referral program.
  3. Referees will undergo a thorough review process before they are enrolled into Crio’s programs.
  4. Rewards are applicable when the referee starts trial post application.
  5. The organization has the right to terminate the referral program with prior notice. In such a case, referral benefits will be applicable till the date of termination notice.

How is it useful for your friends?

When your friends choose to continue with the program after their trial week, they enjoy referral scholarships up to ₹4,000.

What are you waiting for?

Start inviting your friends

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